On 13th Aug, I had the opportunity to conduct a workshop at CDM (College of Defence Management) at Hyderabad. It is a highly reputed premier management training establishment of the Indian Armed Forces. The topic for my workshop was 'Goal Setting and Achieving Them'.
The conference hall with a capacity of about 200 was almost full. I was highly delighted to be amongst brother officers. I was remembering my days in the Indian Navy.
My presentation was applauded by one and all. The feedback during the Tea Break and then at the end was great. I had touched upon the topics like
- Purpose of Goal Setting
- Importance of written Goals
- Dreams vs Goals
- Personal and Professional Goals differ from person to person
- Benefits of Goal Setting
- Types of Goals: Short Term and Long Term
- Following up of Goals
- SMART Goals
- Why Goals fail?
- Role of Hard Work, Dedication and Discipline
- Celebrations of achievements of Goals
- Questions to consider while setting goals
- Journey to the achievement of Goals is equally important
- Six Parameters of True Success
- Setting Goals for the Six Parameters of Success.
- Seven Steps to setting Goals in Life
I covered all these points with maximum possible examples from the defence environment. I also highlighted that majority of the defence officers are doing very well in the private sector. They have all the desired qualities of very good managers and great leaders. They just need an opportunity to prove themselves when they join private sectors after they hang their uniform.
I was a bit taken aback during the highly interactive Question-Answers session, when an officers asked me that please tell us what we don't have. I paused for a moment and then replied, "According to me, our defence officers, when retire are a bit at a loss to understand about the expectations of the private sector. There is a lack of confidence in them. The Techie officers are comparatively more confident when they hang their uniform. The Infantry/Executive officers, though have a great experience of leading their men but they find it a bit tough to handle situations in the private sector initially."
I exhorted them that they have all the qualities that the private sector desperately needs. They just need to become a bit more Tech Savvy and boost their own confidence through self affirmations that they are no way less than anyone and particularly those who are undergoing an excellent training at CDM, that will lead them to an MBA as well.
Overall, it was a great experience for me. I look forward to Giving Back to my Defence Forces where I learnt so much during my 22+ years of commissioned service.
Jai Hind
And My Salute to all men and women in uniform in the service of the Nation
Veerendra K Jaitly
very informative to know that people like you are striding ahead to share knowledge with the personnel of Indian Armed Forces. Kudos to the effort !!